
Adomaa Releases Long-awaited EP ‘Becoming Adomaa’

After teasing her first EP since her 2016 debut ‘Afraba’ with the singles ‘In The Clouds’ and ‘Circus,’ Adomaa has finally released her new 7-track EP ‘Becoming Adomaa.’ The project takes us on a deep dive through her journey as an artist, from the days of her youtube mashups and the success that brought, to her painful hiatus and now eventual comeback to music. 

The music is a blend of alternative genres that showcase her vocal ability and growth as a singer, as well as her flair for the theatrical, with lyrics that are introspective and metaphorical, affirming her identity as a storyteller and actor. 

While there are no features on Becoming Adomaa, this is her most collaborative project yet, with input from various talents such as artist-producer Reynolds The Gentleman, her genius engineer-arranger brother Tronomie, and the incredible singer-songwriter David Addo Gyan, to mention a few. 

Like the last song on the EP says, Adomaa is beginning again and wants her listeners to come along with her on this journey:

“This time I do it on my terms, my way. No more trying to do everything under the sun to make another hit. I’m not a mainstream artist, I never was. I’m Jazz, I’m Soul, I’m Blues, I’m R&B, I’m Gospel, all mixed with my African elements and sonic influences. I’m Adomaa. It’s time to make the music I should’ve been making from the very start.”

Adomaa is beginning again. 

Listen to/watch the EP here: 

Watch the Beginning Again lyric video here: 

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Source: Ghana Music

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