Akosombo dam spillage: Tanker Owners Union donate items worth GH¢500k to displaced Aveyime, Adidome and Mepe residents

Akosombo dam spillage: Tanker Owners Union donate items worth GH¢500k to displaced Aveyime, Adidome and Mepe residents

The Tanker Owners Union has donated items worth GH¢500,000 to victims of floods in the Volta Region, aiming to alleviate the burden of affected residents in Aveyime, Adidome, and Mepe.

The water spillage from the Akosombo Dam, orchestrated by the Volta River Authority (VRA), has resulted in significant loss of properties and forced thousands of families to be displaced.

Residents in North, South, and Central Tongu have been severely impacted, facing not only property loss but also food insecurity due to the devastation of farms and other livelihood sources.

The Union’s gesture was motivated by the dire situation these residents find themselves in.

The Executive Secretary of the Tanker Owners Union, Ignatius Koku Doe emphasized that their aim was to provide support and instill hope in the affected communities.

“Our hope is that we have been able to alleviate part of their suffering because, in the midst of all these, there will be hunger. People don’t have access to food now…so we believe that this is a small token that the Tanker Owners Union, as well as, our drivers who are supportive of our job to present to our brothers and sisters, mothers, chiefs, elders and all of North Tongu, Central Tongu and South Tongu,” he said.

He added that, “We pray that these kind of disasters which we sometimes create on our own…at least, an amount of care should have been taken to avert some of this kind of thing. Especially when they have been informed ahead of it.”

Ignatius Koku Doe called on government to ensure that institutions were on their toes to alleviate such disasters in the future.

“We want to appeal to government so that they prevail upon all institutions to do their work…we can say that somebody somewhere has not done their part of the work,” he stated.

Meanwhile, 3,000 packs of water, 600 bags of rice, 60 boxes of sardines, 100 boxes of cooking oil among other relief items were presented to the people.

Source: Ghana News

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