Akufo-Addo has abandoned Ghana’s prosperity – Mahama

Akufo-Addo has abandoned Ghana's prosperity - Mahama

The National Democratic Congress flagbearer, John Mahama, says the current state of Ghana’s economy is indicative of President Nana Akufo-Addo relinquishing his responsibilities.

These remarks come amid growing concerns about the nation’s economic challenges and social issues.

Mahama, who served as Ghana’s president from 2012 to 2017, made these statements during a visit to the Omanhene of Bodi in the Western North region.

During his visit, he highlighted what he perceives as a lack of leadership and commitment from the current administration in addressing critical issues facing the country.

Mahama alleged that President Akufo-Addo’s government has fallen short of delivering on significant promises and has shown complacency in the face of mounting challenges.

“The economy is in a mess and we need someone with experience to come and fix the economy. Because it appears that Akufo-Addo has given up.

“When he asked about how he was going to fix the economic challenges, He [Akufo-Addo] said someone else must take the nation forward.

“The only party that can fix the economy of Ghana is the NDC, we have done it before and we are the only party that can fix Ghana’s economy.

“At this point what Ghana needs is experience. Someone who has done it before and can do it again.”

Source: Ghana News

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