Akufo-Addo has offered ‘the most useless government’ since independence – Felix Kwakye Ofosu

A leading member of the opposition National Democratic Congress. (NDC), Felix Kwakye Ofosu, says Akufo-Addo has offered the ‘most useless government’ to Ghana since the country attained independence.

The former NDC appointee expressed his reservations about the current regime during an interview with Raymond Acquah on UpFront on Thursday.

According to him, the worsening state of the economy and the hardship Ghanaians are suffering are proofs of the poor leadership of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

“… everybody around sees that this country is in its worse shape ever. All those who have been around from Kwame Nkrumah to date will testify that this is the worst economic web we’ve been in”, Mr Kwakye Ofosu said.

He continued, “We have a government that has offered, and I’ll speak bluntly, they have offered the most useless leadership this country has seen in the 66 years of independence”.

“We have a government that has systematically demolished our economy and destroyed it. We have a government that has imposed unprecedented suffering and pain and hardship on the people of this country”.

Mr Kwakye Ofosu also criticised the government for its role in the dissipation of state resources and the weakening of state agencies.

The former Deputy Minister of Communication made these remarks while stating the need for former president John Mahama to be elected as the NDC’s 2024 flagbearer.

Based on his assertions about the current regime, he said there is the need for an ‘experienced’ leader who can help salvage the broken economy, stressing that Mahama is the ideal candidate.

The NDC communicator subsequently ridiculed the candidature of former Finance Minister, Dr Kwabena Duffuor, in the flagbearership race.

In his view, despite Dr Duffuor’s respectable profile, he does have the ability to rescue Ghana from the mess created by the Akufo-Addo led government.

Meanwhile, Dr Duffuor, who is an experienced economist and a former governor of the Bank of Ghana believes that he has the magic wand to restore Ghana to its days of economic growth.

This he says can be achieved if the country learns to spend within available resources, instead of overstretching its expenditure.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) will hold its presidential and parliamentary primaries on Saturday, May 13, 2023, to elect a new flagbearer as well as its parliamentary candidates for the 2024 elections.

Source: Ghana News

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