Allow your Investment funds to grow – President of GRNMA to members

President of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) of Ghana, Perpetual Ofori-Ampofo has called on the members to allow proceeds from their investment funds to grow.

She said members who have their money already invested are better off than anyone who is going to start an investment today.

Addressing members of the Association at the commissioning of the GRNMA Northern Region Guest House and Secretariat in Tamale, Mrs. Ofori-Ampofo reminded them that the fund is a contribution they are making towards their retirement under the Tier 3 pension scheme to guarantee their financial security.

“As your President or if you are not a member of GRNMA, as your colleague, my candid advise to you is that leave your GRNMA fund to grow. Do not come for it to go spend it or use it for something. Because you need to note that today if you have any money in investment already, you are far better off than somebody who is going to start today,” she said.

“Indeed as individuals, we all have investments that are running for us in one way or the other so that we can secure our future financial standing, but what we all need to know is that the GRNMA fund is a contribution you are making towards your retirement,” the President stressed.

Mrs. Ofori-Ampofo said members can start other investments wherever they find themselves and come for their GRNMA fund when they retire.

She said those who need loans can apply for GRNMA emergency loan and take up to 10,000 Ghana cedis at an interest rate of 10 percent.

The GRNMA President assured the members that their contributions made over the years, are safe and one could check at the comfort of their home using the various apps available.

She urged members who have left the Association to rejoin to enjoy the benefits it offers. Mrs. Ofori-Ampofo charged the Regional Executive to advertise the new edifice to attract enough clientele. She also appealed for a good culture of maintenance to ensure the facility lives up to expectation
Chief Director at the Northern Regional Coordinating Council, Alhassan Issahaku, who represented the Northern Regional Minister, praised the nurses for their contribution towards national development.

He said nurses continue to sacrifice for the wellbeing of humanity. Alhaji Issahaku said no matter the effort government puts into addressing the concerns of nurses, it can not adequately compensate for all the sacrifices they offer.

Mr. Issahaku said if indeed nurses accept the accolade of nobility, then they should continue to uphold the spirit of sacrifice.

“This really is a profession of nobility and that is why they say if you are not called, you have no business being there. If you go into various hospitals and see various sacrifices that you have had to make daily, sometimes even volunteering to use your money to feed patients and so on, some of us have seen it and the least we can say is that your reward can only be in heaven. Why, because no matter what we seek to do to address your concerns we cannot adequately compensate for all that you do as people of that noble profession”. He said.

The Northern Regional Chairman of GRNMA, Abukari Alhassan said even though the construction dragged awhile, the finishing has been outstanding.

He said members would pay only GHc50 if they lodge in the guest house.

“He who laughs last laughs best indeed. Today, I have learned another lesson that patience pays and we are commissioning this beautiful edifice today. I have no regret that it dragged for this long. Going through all the secretariats and guest houses in the country, one would see that the Northern Region one stands exceptionally’ he said.

Source: Ghana News

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