Amputee hawker braving the odds to make ends meet

David Nii Borketey, a father of three, has developed his own way of hawking to make ends meet.

The amputee says rather than being pitied and given a handout because of his physical disability, he wants to be a leading water distributor in the country.

David says he strives daily to put food on the table for his family and also to teach his children to be responsible.

He lost his leg when he was 5 years old. He says a government hospital in Accra injected him with the wrong dose of medication and his leg stopped functioning.

“It happened at the age of five, at the age of five at the 37 Military Hospital. I was sick and my parents took me there for medication but not knowing the injection they gave me was a wrong dose of medicine which affected my leg. They had to cut it off. My parents were really hurt but my dad said at least there is life and there’s always hope so they had to let go,” he explained.

He battled discrimination from his childhood. He recalled that his mates mocked him. But that has not changed as he endures several forms of discrimination including being refused job offers because of his disability.

When he finished senior secondary school, he started selling phone chargers and other accessories in the Accra Central Business district until he decided to hawk water in traffic.

“It hasn’t been easy at all living like this. The discrimination, even in my family there was discrimination but with hope and a strong mind, I’ve been able to overcome it.

“I was looking for a job after the Covid and I went to this company to look for a job but right at the entrance, the security man told me they don’t employ disabled people there,” he said.

He had no choice but to do something on his own to be able to cater for his family.

His customers, who have become his friends say they love his zeal for work and not beg for a living.

“Looking at how David works despite his physical disability, we find it encouraging to buy from him for him to be able to at least get something for himself,” a customer narrated.

David’s dream is to expand his business and become a main distributor of bottled water.

He believes with hard work and determination his dream will come true.

The family man advised the unemployed to be innovative, identify the needs in society, provide services and make money.

“I want to expand it more like getting a bigger shop because most offices here at Mannet, I supply them water. So I’m hoping to get a bigger shop and a mini truck for distribution,” he added.

He prays for better days.

Source: Ghana News

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