Appiatse Explosion: Over 500 houses affected by debris and fire – Deputy NADMO Coordinator

Deputy Coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), Sedzi Sadzi Amedonu has revealed that over 500 houses have been affected by fire and debris, following the explosion in Appiatse, a community in the Western Region of Ghana.

Speaking in an interview on News Night on Thursday, he indicated that, NADMO has taken note of the explosion, which has disintegrated the entire community. According to him, based on their ongoing investigations and assessment of the damage, over 500 hundred homes have either been affected by fire or debris from the massive explosion.

“This is quite a very sad day for the whole country. We still don’t have concrete figures yet. But as we speak, the dead and those who’re also injured have been moved to quite a number of hospitals around the vicinity; Tarkwa Hospital, Prestea Hospital, Wassa-Akropong and some community hospitals at Bogoso.

The Appiatse township itself, it is the whole town that has been affected. What we’re gathering, roughly, not the exact figure, it’s affecting over 500 houses. And almost every house is affected. Either it is debris that is covering the house, or there’s fire. So that’s how terrible the situation is. Because when the explosion happened, it came with fire, so some houses are on fire and some have been covered completely with debris. So there’s a back hole excavator that is trying to see if they can recover some more bodies or people who’re alive”, he disclosed.

Commenting on the situation on the ground, Mr. Amedonu added that, the District Disaster Management Committee, led by the District Chief Executive, have identified a Roman Catholic Parish Church in Bogoso, as a nearby haven, where some indigenes are currently being relocated.

Reporting the state of affairs, he added that NADMO has reached out to the Ghana Police Service, the Ambulance Service, the National Fire Service and other relevant stakeholders to join forces in containing the situation. He also indicated that, NADMO is mobilisng items to offer relief to the affected locals.

According to him, NADMO and its collaborators are currently ‘looking for life’.

Meanwhile, President Akufo-Addo has expressed his condolences to the affected victims, describing the explosion as an “unfortunate and tragic incident’.

In a Facebook post after the incident, the President said he has instructed the relevant actors to swing into action to bring ‘rapid relief’ to the residents. Adding that, “government will spare no effort to ensure a rapid return to a situation of normalcy for residents of Appiatse”.

On Thursday afternoon, a truck filled with ammunitions and explosives crashed with a motorbike leading to an explosion that has killed several locals in the area.

Visuals available to JoyNews reveal that the explosion has so far rendered many people homeless. The Police are yet to confirm the exact number of people who have lost their lives as a result of the incident.

The Police have therefore urged residents to remain calm as they strive to bring he situation under control.

Source: Ghana News

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