Asenso-Boakye marks Bantama Youth Choir 1st anniversary with Nine Lessons and Carols 

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Bantama, Francis Asenso-Boakye has marked the youth choir for the constituency with a Nine Lessons and Carols Night. 

The event for the “Bantama Youth Choir” took place over the weekend.

Francis Asenso-Boakye

According to him, this was for the remembrance of the birth of Christ.

In a Facebook post on Monday, the MP who doubles as the Minister for Works and Housing expressed his happiness about the success of the event.

“This also marks the remembrance of the birth of Christ and His historic mission on earth.

“We are grateful to all who graced us with their presence and showed immense support.”

The Second Lady, Samira Bawumia and some government officials joined the ceremony.

They included Dominic Nitiwul, Minister for Defence; Godfred Dame, AG and Minister for Justice; Justine Kodua Frimpong, the General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party (NPP). 

Source: Ghana News

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