Athletics coaching in Ghana needs to be systematic and science based – Loren Seagrave

World renowned sprint coach, Loren Seagrave, has emphasised the need for Ghana to streamline its track athletics coaching methods, in order to spiral the country’s athletics fortunes.

Athletics coaching in Ghana needs to be systematic and science based - Loren Seagrave

Seagrave, who has an over 50+ year experience in speed training with stints at Juventus, Chicago Bulls, AC Milan as well as world-leading track and field athletes, was in Ghana for Sports Equity’s four-day Max Velocity Speed Summit.

He stressed Ghana needs to rethink its approach to coaches’ training and learn from the blueprint of Jamaica, where in 1991, he and a group of other coaches put together the first Congress of the North America, Central America and Caribbean Track and Field Coaches Association (NACACTFCA).

“Amplify the coaching education process so it becomes very systematic, like we did in Jamaica in 1986, which is one of the reasons why Jamaica is so dominant. They have the best educated coaches because they took care of their own coaches’ association and created their own coaching education system, and really got into every school in Jamaica.

“They are all teaching the same thing and it is cutting edge, science based and athlete centered,” Seagrave said to the press right before a speed clinic.

Source: Ghana News

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