Beginning the year right series: Ghanaians urged to be daring in 2024

Beginning the year right series: Ghanaians urged to be daring in 2024

Ghanaians have been encouraged not to shy away from daring pursuits in 2024.

The Managing Director of EDC Investment Limited, Paul Kofi Mante, made this known in an interview on Asempa FM Ekosii Sen’s “Beginning the Year Right” series.

Mr. Mante said the prime time for significant achievements falls between the ages of 26 and 50.

“2024 must be our best year, and time should be regarded as a precious asset. We don’t have all the time so whatever you want to do, do it well,” he urged.

He cautioned against procrastination, urging the youth to seize the moment.

“When you have the time, give it your best shot. If there are things you need to do as a young person, do them now, as there will come a time when you won’t be able to,” he advised.

With a rallying call for Ghanaians to give their best in 2024, Mr. Mante disclosed the fleeting nature of opportunities.

“Whatever you want to do, go for it and don’t relax, as the chance may never come again. When the stage is given to you, don’t use it for rehearsal; make it count.”

Mr. Mante’s life philosophy divides existence into three stages: morning, afternoon, and evening.

The morning stage spans from birth to 25 years, while the afternoon stage, crucial for planning retirement is between ages 26 to 50.

The evening stage, from 51 to 70, is a time to rest after achieving life’s goals.

Moving forward, Mr. Mante encouraged continuous learning, reading, and capacity building.

“Be ready to learn,” he advised, reinforcing the idea that each stage of life offers unique opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

Source: Ghana News

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