Black Stars management committee members don’t deserve same amount of money as Black Stars players – Fred Pappoe on Asempa FM’s SportsNite show

Former Ghana FA Vice President Fred Pappoe strongly believes Black Stars Management Committee members should not receive the same amount of appearance fee as players who play for the senior national team.

Five out of the six members of the Black Stars management committee earned $100,000 each – the same amount which was paid to each of the 26 players who represented the West African powerhouse at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

The subject became a matter of huge controversy in the country when a member of the committee, Alhaji Abdul Karim Grusah, admitted publicly that members received $100,000 for their efforts.

Reacting to the payment, Pappoe, who is a senior policy advisor at the Norwegian Embassy in Ghana, told Enoch Worlanyo on the SportsNite show that members do not deserve to be paid the same amount as the players.

“Seriously speaking, I think for a national team management committee to function very well I think it should not be more than three people. If there is a reward system able, it cannot be justifiable to exclude management members from enjoying some,” he said.

“Around 2009 we made a very strong case to President John Mahama that management should be considered when we talking about bonuses. What I have a problem with is the quantum. I do not think that management committee members should earn the same amount of money as players earn,” he added.

The Dzamefe Commission of Inquiry White Paper, which was signed and released in 2015, stated that not more than five members should be appointed to serve on the Black Stars Management Committee. However, the current Ghana FA administration has appointed 6 members to serve on the committee.

Former Ghana captain Stephen Appiah was named to serve on the committee but he declined to occupy the position.

The post Black Stars management committee members don’t deserve same amount of money as Black Stars players – Fred Pappoe on Asempa FM’s SportsNite show appeared first on Ghana Sports Online.

Source: Sports

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