Business and Economics students share perspectives on Ghana’s debt crisis, other matters

The conversation about Ghana’s debt crisis seems to never die out.

The government has been consistently advised to go to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for an economic programme to bring relief to the economy, which is impacting businesses.

Recently, rating agency, Moody’s downgraded Ghana’s credit rating into junk status but later changed the outlook from negative to stable.

This is because of the challenges within the fiscal economy, in which government is struggling to raise revenue to settle interest payments and take care of salaries of public sector workers.

Some senior economists, financial experts, government officials have already professed diverse views on the matter.

However, one group that seems to have been left out of the conversation are students of business, finance and economics.

But Joy Business engaged students from the Valley View University, University of Cape Coast, UPSA and the University of Ghana to share their perspectives about the country’s rising debt crisis and also proffer some solutions for the nation.

Source: Ghana News

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