Celebrities jam with Unilever as they launch Closeup Complete Fresh Protection

It was a day of fun, sun, and sand at Laboma Beach as star after star rocked the stage at the new Closeup Complete Fresh Protection launch.

Giovanni Caleb, Joey B, Dr Louisa, Kelvynbwoy, Pappy Kojo, La Meme Gang and Tulenkey gave patrons a show to remember.

For the latest star in the Closeup line, Unilever pulled all the stops, launching in grand style with the presence of these influencers, bringing so much life to the event.

There were up-close interactions and networking all over, ensuring the launch was fully experiential.

As usual, larger-than-life media personality, Giovanni Caleb, brought his A-game with fun moments and fans took selfies with him at the event. On the other hand, Dr Louisa, poised with her fashion sense, brought a touch of glamour to the youth graciously waiting to embrace her.

Nevertheless, there were many other celebrities like Kelvynbwoy, Pappy Kojo, La Meme Gang and Tulenkey who showed up as well bringing music to life with back-to-back performances which got the crowd cheering and chanting throughout the event until midnight.

These influencers who graced the event encouraged consumers to patronize Closeup products in order to take their oral care protection to another level.

Closeup Complete Fresh Protection is a new addition to the family of closeup variants, a fluoride gel made with an active herbal ingredient, known as eucalyptus mint. It offers top five benefits: deep cleaning, fresh breath, cavity protection, strong teeth, and protection from germs.

The performances were interspersed with fun activities like Zorball, paintball, and mass brushing engagements coupled with DJ takeover and many other experiential activities to make the launch and the holiday a memorable one.

Giovanni Caleb, Joey B, Dr Louisa, Kelvynbwoy, Pappy Kojo, La Meme Gang and Tulenkeyencouraged the youngsters to stick to oral habits that would promote good oral health and also inform and educate their loved ones, peers, and associates what this new closeup variant, Closeup Complete Fresh Protection, is all about.

Source: Ghana News

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