Chief of Awudome Anyirawase appeals for renovation of local council building

The Awo Festival, a cherished annual celebration of the Chiefs and people of Anyirawase in the Ho West District of the Volta Region, was climaxed with an appeal from the Paramount Chief Torgbega Addai Kwasi Djani XIII.

The chief urged the Ho West District Assembly to initiate the renovation of the historic Awudome Traditional Local Council building by emphasizing its pivotal role in bolstering developmental endeavors within the community.

Torgbega Addai Kwasi Djani XIII made this heartfelt plea while stressing on the importance of honoring their forefathers’ legacy by revitalizing the aging council building.

He commended the dedication of certain individuals and members of the planning community who were actively raising funds for the restoration.

In his address, he underscored the importance of maintaining peace to attract investors and facilitate regional development.

Torgbega Addai Kwasi Djani XIII expressed hope that the Awo Festival would rekindle the spirit of patriotism, communalism, and volunteerism that defined their ancestors.

“We remain unwavering in our commitment to coexist peacefully with all, fostering harmonious relationships with our neighbors. Without peace, meaningful development remains an elusive goal. This year’s celebrations, we hope, will reignite the enviable Awudome spirit of patriotism, communalism, and volunteerism,” said Torgbega Addai Kwasi Djani XIII.

Again, Torgbe Addai Kwasi Djani XIII appealed to the government for additional development projects such as roads and essential amenities that were pivotal to improving the lives of community members and boosting the local economy.

On his part, Dr. Hassan Ayariga, the leader of the APC political party, emphasized the importance of exploring alternative political parties beyond the two main ones. He contended that APC could bring fresh perspectives and contributions to national development.

The Chairman of the program, Dufia of Awudome Kwanta, Torgbe Adzima Buasapa X, expressed his excitement about the festival’s ability to unite families and friends. He also appealed to indigenes of Awudome Anyirawase to unite in their efforts to uplift the community.

In response to the community’s concerns, Ernest Victor Apau, the DCE for Ho West, assured them of the government’s commitment to addressing their needs. He said plans were in motion to facilitate the expeditious renovation of the old traditional council building.

Ernest Victor Apau commended the Chiefs and people of Awudome Anyirawase for maintaining a peaceful environment over the years, highlighting that it is within such tranquility that true development can flourish.

About the Awo Festival

The Awo Festival carries profound symbolism, signifying the commencement of the new yam harvest season. More significantly, it serves as a living testament to the history and heritage of the community, commemorating the historic ‘crossing of Awo slough’ near Akrofu. This significant location marked the site of a momentous capital sacrifice, paving the way for their migration to their present location.

Source: Ghana News

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