In a thought-provoking session during the Citi Business Festival on-air series, Taaka Awore, CEO of Busara Africa, provided valuable insights on the topic “Building a winning SME team.”
Speaking on Thursday, June 15, 2023, Taaka Awore emphasized the importance of institutionalizing companies to reduce reliance on individuals.
She began by distinguishing between a team and a group, emphasizing that a winning team consists of individuals who perform interdependent tasks to achieve a shared goal.
She further highlighted three essential traits that make a team successful: sustained results, team resilience, and vitality.
Highlighting the challenges faced by team managers, Taaka Awore identified the difficulties of managing star players or divas who lack collaboration and are egocentric.
She also emphasized the need for leaders to address conflicts within the team, whether they are task-based, work-style conflicts, or personality clashes.
Additionally, Awore highlighted the significance of fostering trust among team members and promoting a supportive environment.
To constitute a winning team, the Busara Africa CEO provided key strategies:
1. Get the right people on the bus
When selecting team members, focus on individuals who demonstrate humility, hunger for learning, and intelligence. Seek those who can collaborate effectively and manage their egos.
2. Get the right people in the right seats
Assign roles and responsibilities according to individual strengths and skills. Communicate clearly to ensure team members understand their interdependence within the team.
3. Focus on collective results
While individual accountability is important, leaders should also emphasize and recognize collective team results. By complementing individual appraisals with an assessment of overall team performance, a winning team can be fostered.
4. Coach the team members to play well together
Conflict is a natural occurrence within teams. Leaders should not shy away from addressing conflicts but should actively manage them. Provide coaching and guidance to team members to promote collaboration and effective resolution of conflicts.
5. Create a conducive environment for team members to thrive
Leaders must model collaboration from the top down. The organizational structure should be designed to foster collaboration and reward teamwork.
The Citi Business Festival 2023 is powered by Citi TV and Citi FM in partnership with Absa and is proudly sponsored by MTN MOMO, MTN Business and Zeepay with support from GIRSAL.
Source: Ghana Business