Corruption is the deadliest disease to ever hit Ghana – Domelevo

The former Auditor General, Daniel Domelevo, says corruption is the deadliest disease to have ever happened to Ghana.

Mr. Domelevo made the comment during the Anti-corruption Day celebration held in Ho by the Asogli State.

The program was to also mark the 20th anniversary of the enstoolment of the Agbogbomefia of the Asogli State, Torgbe Afede, and the Asogli Yam festival.

According to him, corruption erodes public trust and robs the people of the opportunities they deserve, adding that “it is  a cancer that must be eradicated if we are to build a brighter future for our nation.”

He said ordinary citizens are tired of living in a society where corruption thrives at the expense of progress and prosperity; a situation he described as the norm and plunged the country into shame.

He added that it is worrying to see public servants who are to help manage the country stealing from the public and leaving the nation in penury.

Bemoaning the normalcy of corruption in Ghana and Africa as a whole, the former Auditor General said for the country and the continent to experience real progress, the status quo must be completely wiped out.

He said there is an urgent need for the citizenry to demand a change in the authorities and an immediate stop to persistent corruption in the public offices as well as the presidency and even ministries of the country.

He called for the renenergisation of the fight against corruption to ensure its complete eradication from society, and an end to the culture of silence that has befallen the populace.

He urged the public to develop a passion for fighting corruption and a commitment to promoting transparency and accountability.

Source: Ghana News

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