Covid-19: Virologist warns of spike in cases if vaccination policy isn’t enforced at beaches

A virologist at the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research (KCCR) has warned that Covid-19 positive cases could spike if the Greater Accra Regional Security Council fails to enforce the no-vaccination-no-entry policy at beaches strictly.

The Council eased restrictions on beach activities and business in a review meeting with stakeholders, announcing that persons who will patronise any beach in Accra must show proof of vaccination or be willing to be vaccinated before gaining access to the shores.

“Entry to the beaches shall be allowed for only persons who show proof of vaccination. Furthermore, as much as possible, operators shall ensure that entry points are separated from exit points to avoid overcrowding,” the Regional Security Council said in a press release on Thursday.

But Virologist, Dr Michael Owusu is pushing the Council to strictly enforce the rules or the nation could face a spike in coronavirus cases.

“It appears that they’ve been very much educated to ensuring that this is done to the latter so we only have to hope that they will act and do as they are saying so that things don’t go out of hand.”

“Ideally, [at] beaches, people are excited and sometimes they may forget themselves but once the organisers have taken upon themselves to ensure this is done, I am quite hopeful that they will be able to do this,” he said.

Addressing stakeholders, Regional Minister, Henry Quartey, revealed that officials from the Ghana Health Service (GHS) are being deployed to implement the directive.

He added that security personnel will also be deployed to help enforce the policy.

Mr Quartey indicated that the beaches “can operate but [should] ensure that they [revelers] adhere to the Covid safety protocols that as much as practically possible, people who patronise the place must show proof of vaccination.”

“If they haven’t vaccinated, Ghana Health Service is going to mount posts at entrances of all the beaches and they will educate people and also vaccinate them,” he added.

Source: Ghana News

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