Devtraco Group renovates dormitory and donates to Dzorwulu Special School

Devtraco Group, a leading real estate developer in Ghana, demonstrated its strong commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) by undertaking a meaningful project at the Dzorwulu Special School in Accra.

The company renovated a 22-bed boys’ dormitory, revamped the washroom, and donated food items to the school on Monday, May 1, 2023.

The project was a success, and it was attended by executive officials of the company, including Joseph Aidoo Jr, Co-Founder of Devtraco Group, John Entsuah, Chief Executive Officer, and other employees of the company.

This CSR initiative is just one of several that the company has undertaken in recent years, under the leadership of Joseph Aidoo Jr, to support the development of communities.

The Dzorwulu Special School is a government-assisted institution that provides education for children with intellectual disabilities.

However, the school faces numerous infrastructure challenges.

To address these issues, Devtraco Group undertook the renovation project and donated food items enough to feed 200 plus students and their staff for over a month.

Fabrico Builders Limited, a member of the Devtraco Group, undertook the renovation project, which included repainting, redesigning the washroom, replacement of windows and net, electrical works, plumbing works, and installing sanitary wares, new beds, and mattresses.

The children were also served freshly prepared hot meals from Brasa Restaurant, a subsidiary of Devtraco Group.

It is worth noting that this project is not the first CSR initiative that Devtraco Group has undertaken. The company, through its foundation, has supported various causes, including education, health, and social welfare.

The donations made by the company to the Mahlef Foundation in Tema New Town have seen resounding success and transformative support for teenage mothers and their children. Devtraco Group is committed to positively impacting society and supporting sustainable development in Ghana.

The company’s CSR initiatives are not just about making donations, but also about creating lasting partnerships and promoting sustainable development in communities.

Devtraco Group’s commitment to CSR is rooted in its belief that businesses are responsible for giving back to society and creating value beyond their profits.

The headmaster of the Dzorwulu Special School, Frederick Tetteh, expressed gratitude to Devtraco Group for their generosity.

He noted that the renovation of the dormitory and the donation of food items would go a long way in improving the welfare of the students and praised the company for its commitment to CSR and for setting an example for other companies to follow.

Overall, Devtraco Group’s CSR initiative at the Dzorwulu Special School is a commendable effort that showcases the company’s commitment to social responsibility and its desire to make a positive impact on the communities it serves.

Source: Ghana News

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