Drunk policeman in viral video interdicted pending investigation

A police officer who was seen in a viral video purportedly drunk has been interdicted by the service.

The footage which was circulated widely saw the policeman swaying unsteadily in his uniform amid heckling by some onlookers on the street of Cape Coast.

The Ghana Police Service in a statement indicated that his interdiction is to make way for a thorough investigation into his actions.

According to the release signed by the Police’s Public Affairs Director-General, ACP Kwesi Ofori, the officer will be made to undergo psychological evaluation with the necessary help offered where critical.

“In addition, he will be referred to the Police Medical Board for thorough review and support towards rehabilitation where necessary.”

The January 12 communiqué further insisted that “the said officer’s suitability or otherwise to remain in the Service will be based on the outcome of investigations and the recommendation of the Police Medical Board.”

The video which went viral triggered reactions as to what it means for the image of the police force.

Source: Ghana News

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