EC appointment: Akufo-Addo has no moral lessons – Joyce Bawah Morgtari

An aide to former President John Mahama has criticised President Nana Akufo-Addo for his recent appointments to the Electoral Commission (EC).

Joyce Bawah Morgtari says the president is aimed at fielding the Commission with members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to her, this situation will endanger the country’s growing democracy and bring it to its knees. 

Speaking in an interview with TV3 on Thursday, April 6, the former Deputy Transport Minister berated the conduct of the president. 

She insisted that President Akufo-Addo has lost his morals. 

“When you have the face of the Electoral Commission beginning to look more like an extension of the New Patriotic Party and various government spokespersons going on to defend the indefensible, then nobody should go to the NPP or President Akufo-Addo to seek moral lessons. 

“They have non to share and none to teach. Even if the NPP were a church, nobody will go there for confessions.”

Already, thee Coalition of Domestic Election Observers (CODEO) has demanded the immediate resignation of Dr Peter Appiahene and Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani as members of the EC.

The two who were recently appointed by President Akufo-Addo to the electoral management body have been described by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) as known affiliates of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

CODEO at a news conference on Wednesday said these appointments have the tendency to make the EC look partisan and affect its credibility in future elections.

Reading the address on behalf of CODEO, Rev. Dr Fred Deegbe suggested that the two newly appointed EC members resign voluntarily.

“We are painfully aware that voluntary and constitutionally grounded revocation of this unfortunate and democratically problematic EC appointment by the President is extremely unlikely.

“However nothing stops the affected appointees namely Dr Peter Appiahene and Hajia Salima Ahmed Tijani from voluntarily and honourably resigning from membership of the EC,” he said.

The duo’s resignation, in his view, will “be in the supreme interest of our country’s continual democratic progress, election peace and credibility and indeed, the overall national interest.”

Source: Ghana News

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