Farmers in Western North commended for contributing to market agenda under PFJ program

Farmers in the Western North region have been commended for keeping up production and pricing reasonably to promote the market agenda under the Planting for Food and Jobs program.

Regional Minister, Richard Rocky Joojo Obeng, observed the farmers have been considerate with pricing, despite the current challenging economic situation.

The Minister was speaking at the first-ever Farmers Day celebration in the region, since its creation in 2018.

“We all agree things have become hard, and we are all trying to sail through. In all this, some farmers decided to take advantage of the economic situation to charge extra for farm produce and blame it on the dollar rate.

“Prices of foodstuff have stood at the same prices through this period and the Minister of Agriculture saw your efforts and contribution to the Planting for Food and Jobs market agenda and decided to use your deed and farm products as exemplary to other farmers,” said Richard Joojo Obeng.

Speaking on the theme “Accelerating agricultural development through value addition”, Regional Director of Agriculture, William Henry Fordjour, observed value addition to agriculture can mitigate poverty which has crippled many people in the country.

“The most effective mechanism to improve the lives of millions in poverty is to support agriculture. Transforming a country’s agricultural sector can create jobs, raise incomes, reduce malnutrition and kick- start the economy on a path to middle-income growth. Value added foods are increasingly beneficial in addressing food security, nutrition and poverty,” he said.

Nana Yaw Barima Donkor, 56, emerged as the overall best regional farmer.

He was awarded a pickup truck valued at $25,000 donated by the Asante Gold Corporation. He entreated the youth to venture into the agriculture industry.

“I am motivating the youth to turn to farming. I have been a farmer for over 36 years. It has not been easy, but I am at a point where I have gotten every benefit I need,” he said.

Other farmers were awarded in cocoa production, fishery and vegetable production.

Chirano Gold Mines Limited spent ¢88,000 in awarding the winners including tricycles, motorcycles, wheelbarrows, Plasma TVs, refrigerators, farming tools, Knapsack sprayers and farm inputs.

Source: Ghana News

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