Former Akuapem North MCE, Dennis Aboagye, appointed Presidential Staffer

A former Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Akuapem North, Dennis Edward Aboagye, has been appointed a Presidential Staffer by President Akufo-Addo.

He is expected to provide special support and assistance to the Local Government Ministry in his new role.

Having contributed through multiple ways to the rebranding of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), the Chartered Marketer will advise the Local Government Minister, Dan Botwe in the delivery of his mandate.

Dennis Aboagye, who has been described by many as an asset for the future of the Party, had his appointment as MCE revoked in the build-up to the 2020 general elections, a move that sparked discussions among party faithful with most describing him as hardworking and innovative.

But he later explained that it was critical for that decision to be taken so he can assist the Party in Accra to execute its campaign towards the elections.

Dennis ‘Miracles’ Aboagye has 10 years of experience in the sales and marketing industry with exposure in FMCG and Financial Services.

He is also passionate about Business Development, Sales Management, and Brand Positioning.

Mr Aboagye has a political track record spanning from his days in student politics at the University of Ghana, Legon, where he held various leadership positions from the Akuafo JCR through to the University of Ghana SRC.

In the NPP, he is said to have set up the first-ever youth wing of the Party in the Akropong Constituency and held various leadership roles in the Akuapem North Constituency and on the national level.

Source: Ghana News

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