Ghana Health Service targets vaccinating 20% of the Volta Region’s unvaccinated population in upcoming campaign

The Ghana Health Service is hoping to vaccinate about 20% of the Volta Region’s unvaccinated population during the upcoming National Covid-19 vaccination exercise.

About 246,300 doses of the vaccine have been made available in the region for the campaign, which is slated between 2nd and 6th February, 2022.

As of now, 21.3% of the region’s population have received the first dose, while 9.7% are fully vaccinated, with vaccine hesitancy rife among residents.

“The vaccination campaign in the Volta Region took off last Friday, 28th January, 2022. This is an effort by the Regional Health Directorate to help catch up with other parts of the country”, the Ghana Health Service Volta Regional Deputy Director in charge of Public Health, Dr. Senanu Kwesi Djokoto, said this when he addressed the press over the weekend.

“Vaccine hesitancy is most profound in the Volta Region. It has been fueled by earlier misinformation which cast doubts on the necessity and safety of the vaccines.”

“Unfortunately, some people have been influenced by wrong information to kick against one of the most effective measures to save lives during pandemics”, he further indicated.

He allayed the fears of persons who have developed cold feet due to myths, misconceptions, misinformation and mere fear of the needle.

Dr. Djokoto attested that there maybe reactions after taking the jab, which may differ from person to person, “while most people never develop any reaction after the vaccine, some may develop adverse reactions which include headaches, low grade fever, muscle and joint pains.”

“These reactions usually go away within 48 hours especially when they take paracetamol.  The decision not to take the vaccine is more costly. The fear of the needle or unlikely mild side effects should not keep us away”, he advised.

Source: Ghana News

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