Ghana Police Service staff dies in accident at Tema

A staff of the Ghana Police Service has died in a gory accident at Tema Community 25 Estate Junction on the Dawhenya stretch. 

The accident happened on Sunday, July 24.

This was made known by the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS) in a press statement. 

According to the GNFS, its Motorway Command received a distress accident call around 10 pm on Sunday.

GNFS said the accident involved a Sino Tipper Truck with registration number GG 1887 – 21 and a BMW with registration number GR 772 – X.

“It was observed that, the Sino Tipper Truck which was loaded with sand and heading towards Tema had crushed a BMW that was heading towards Dawhenya, killing instantly the occupant identified to be a Staff of the Ghana Police Service.”

“The trapped lifeless body of the affected person was however extricated and retrieved by Personnel of the Ghana National Fire Service and handed over to the MTTD of the Ghana Police Service for preservation and further investigation,” the GNFS noted in the statement.

The BMW was badly mangled beyond repairs, while the Sino Tipper truck suffered some partial damage on its lower portions of the head compartment.

However, the occupants in the Sino Tipper Truck were not affected by the crash.

Source: Ghana News

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