Ghana Police to put in place stringent measures ahead of Ghana-Nigeria clash

The Ghana Police Service has announced some stringent measures it intends implementing to avoid any incident of hooliganism before, during and after the Ghana-Nigeria derby at the Baba Yara Stadium on Friday.

According to the Police, security personnel will be deployed in and around the Baba Yara Sports Stadium and within the Kumasi Metropolis in general to ensure an incident-free event.

“As part of the arrangements, there will be an additional deployment of Highway and Motorbike Patrols to augment the existing security deployment along all the eight (8) entry routes into Kumasi and other adjoining regions,” the Police statement read.

Several roads along the Baba Yara Sports Stadium premises will also be blocked for security reasons.

These include the Britania – Is My Kitchen Restaurant stretch on the north of the stadium; Ism My Kitchen – Stadium Hotel stretch; Amankwatiaa School – T.I Ahamadiya School; and finally, Britania – T.I Ahamadiya School.

Meanwhile, persons entering the stadium will be screened for offensive and lethal weapons.

“For the safety of everyone and the integrity of the game, the Police will severely deal with any acts of hooliganism in and around the stadium. Therefore, individuals or any group of persons intending to cause mayhem in the studio should advise themselves and abort their plans,” the Police warned.

“We appeal to all supporters and the general public to obey the rules and regulations put in place for the encounter. We entreat everyone to consider their personal security as a guiding principle before, during and after the game,” it added.

Source: Ghana News

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