Ghana ranked 7th best African Country for Entrepreneurs in 2022: Top 10 rankings

A new report compiled by the CEOWORLD magazine has found Ghana is the 7th best African country out of 10 to become an entrepreneur.

The Entrepreneurship Index evaluates a total of 100 economies based on a wide range of factors to create an overall “best countries for entrepreneurship” index, including innovation, competitiveness, infrastructure, labour skills, access to capital, and openness for business.

According to the report, South Africa tops the local ranking for the best African countries to be an entrepreneur. With a highly-skilled workforce, competitiveness and openness for business, the country has the second-largest economy in Africa, after Nigeria, and is also unarguably the most industrialised nation in sub-Saharan Africa.

South Africa placed 48th out of the 100 countries accessed globally with Ghana placing 77th.

Here are the top 10 most entrepreneurial countries in Africa according to CEOWORLD magazine Entrepreneurship Index, 2021.

  1. South Africa
  2. Rwanda
  3. Morocco
  4. Kenya
  5. Nigeria
  6. Tunisia
  7. Ghana
  8. Botswana
  9. Cameroon
  10. Egypt

Source: Ghana Business

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