Ghanaian SHS girl claims 2nd place at 2023 Global HIPPO English Olympiad

A diligent student hailing from Christian High School in Ghana, Annie-Lois, has achieved an extraordinary milestone after securing the second position overall in her category at the 2023 Global HIPPO English Olympiad.

This remarkable feat has brought immense pride and recognition to her school, mentors, and the entire nation.

The Global HIPPO English Olympiad is arguably the largest English competition on a global scale, drawing the participation of over 100,000 students each year.

Annie-Lois’s outstanding performance in such a fiercely competitive arena is truly commendable and cements her reputation as one of Ghana’s most promising young talents.

In an interview with, the Program Director of the Ghana Olympiad Academy, Abel Ohene Acquaye, expressed his immense pride and extended his heartfelt congratulations.

He emphasised that this achievement was no small feat and acknowledged the pivotal roles played by her dedicated tutor, Sir Fred, the supportive principal, Mr. Eshun, and her jubilant parents, all of whom joined the celebration in Rome, Italy.

“This is no mean feat. Hippo English Olympiad is the biggest English Olympiad in the world with over 100,000 students writing the exam each year. We are extremely proud of Annie-Lois, her tutor Sir Fred, her principal Mr. Eshun and her parents who were a part of the celebration in Rome, Italy,” he said.

Source: Ghana News

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