Government is determined to develop the 6 new regions in the country – Damongo MP

The Member of Parliament for Damongo Constituency in the Savannah Region, Samuel Abu Jinapor, has said the Akufo-Addo government is very determined to bridge the existing development gap between the six new regions and the other 10 in the country.

He said every country’s infrastructural developments should have a positive reflection on its rural establishment, hence, the quest by the Akufo-Addo administration to see to it that the six regions are given a quick face-lift.

He stated that, “you know this is a new region created by President Akufo-Addo and his government and is very determined to develop the six new regions which have been created in our country so that they can come at par with the existing 10 regions of Ghana and to bring about the much needed rural development”.

The Member of Parliament said this when he inspected progress of work on some major public regional administrations including schools and living accommodation in his constituency in the Savannah Region, some of which have been completed.

They include; a single High and Circuit Court complex, a Ghana Education Service (GES) Directorate and a National Insurance Authority complex.

The rest are; a community centre, four bungalow apartments for the security, and a classroom block.

“As you can see, significant infrastructure are being undertaken in the Constituency. Courtrooms, National Insurance Authority offices, community centre and you can tell here in a community called Nabori we are building a classroom block to replace a very dilapidated classroom building here in the community.

“These all form part of giving a facelift to the Damongo Constituency, Damongo township and then, bring in the much needed development to the Damongo Constituency and the Savannah Region in general”, the MP stated.

The Damongo Legislator also expressed delight in progress of work in the Constituency adding that, “I’m very satisfied because some of the infrastructure developments are even completed and we are waiting for staffing for them to begin to operationalize, and some are at various stages of completion and I think that all these are going to help a great deal.”

Mr. Samuel Abu Jinapor reiterated that the ongoing road works in the Constituency and the region are part of the master plan for the area, because they are the pieces that are being put together to bring the much needed development to the Constituency and the region as a whole.

Source: Ghana News

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