
Pensioner bondholders to picket again from May 29 over unpaid coupons

The Pensioner Bondholders Forum has hinted of another round of picketing at the Finance Ministry to demand the payment of matured coupons.

According to the group, the Finance Ministry is yet to pay matured coupons for May15 and subsequent maturities.

Members of the Forum suspended its picketing on May 12 after it had a meeting with the Finance Ministry to have all outstanding coupons paid.

However, after weeks of waiting to engage with the Finance Ministry to draw a payment roadmap, the Pensioner Bondholders say nothing has been heard.

Speaking to Citi Business News, Convener of the Pensioner Bondholders Forum, Dr. Adu Anane Antwi said members of the group will be back at the Finance Ministry beginning May 29.

“Another coupon has matured, if government doesn’t do anything this time around, we are going to picket and this time around, when we resume, we are not going to listen to any promises.”

Members of the Forum have been picketing to push for an arrangement to get their outstanding coupons and principals paid.

They have indicated that should the Ministry renege on any of the points of the agreement, members shall resume picketing.

“Government started paying the coupons up to May 8. It is left with that of May 15 hanging even though the agreement was that we will receive all payments due May 15. But that hasn’t been paid and government has not told us anything.  We were to meet with government to take a decision on the principals that have been due till that date, but we didn’t hear anything”, the Convenor lamented.

Source: Ghana Business

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