Improving Education: Kotei gets modern library and ICT Centre

Basic schools in the Kotei suburb of the Oforikrom Municipality in the Ashanti Region lack modern-day libraries which impedes access to quality education. 

The lack of study areas negatively affects the literacy level and reading habits of pupils in the community. 

To heighten literacy in the area, a new library and ICT center has been handed over to the Kotei township. 

Libraries, ICT centers and study areas play a vital role in supporting education, and literacy, shaping new ideas and promoting creativity among school kids. 

However, in the Kotei township, pupils at various levels of education do not have the opportunity to enjoy these education advantages. 

The over $50,000 Read-2-Lead library and ICT facility will provide the avenue for pupils to advance their learning and knowledge capabilities. 

The facility has a private study room, an ICT laboratory, administrative offices and musical instruments chamber, alongside numerous books.

Speaking at the grand opening of the library, Founder of Read2Lead Foundation, Samantha Boateng, explained she was inspired by the critical state of the educational system that gave her what she has. 

“We chose Kotei because this is my hometown, I come from a strong background that has been educated through Ghana’s mass education system and has profited from it. So I wanted to give back to the community that has made me who I am today,” she said. 

The facility will be equipped to provide additional services to nurture young people with soft skills. 

“With the ICT lab, we would also provide courses for the kids who would be interested. And over time, we would offer courses like creative writing, dance, and music to equip their soft skills as well,” said Samantha. 

Chief of Nihiniso-Kotei, Nana Addo Boamah, was happy the facility will help improve education in the community. 

“I will applaud Read2Lead and anyone who made this dream possible… communities out of Kotei will benefit from this infrastructure because when you are exposed to education by someone, he or she has done good to you. Education is a property that when given to you cannot be taken away as compared to other properties,” he said. 

Ashanti Regional Director of Education, Willie Kwame Amankra Appiah, while calling on individuals to assist the government to provide quality education, implored teachers to play a supervisory role to ensure the aim of the gesture is achieved.

“Education is all about reading, and the attitude of the teachers count on achieving this. The children should be instructed to read; we are pleading with stakeholders, you can be of help to the school. 

“The government is doing its best, but not everything that the government can provide. Well-to-do parents, you can provide us with books and computers. All these help us grow together.” 

The facility is the 3rd library in Kumasi to be established by the Read2Lead Foundation.

Source: Ghana News

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