Infrastructure development in Koforidua Technical University stalls due to financial challenges – Vice Chancellor

The Vice-Chancellor of the Koforidua Technical University says many ongoing infrastructure projects in the University have come to a standstill due to financial challenges.

This he said is as a result of the delay in the release of statutory funds by the government coupled with the effects of Covid-19 on the economy.

Prof. David Kofi Essumang expressed this worry during the annual conference of the Koforidua Technical University Alumni Association held at the University.

According to him, a multi-purpose building complex comprising 2,500 capacity classrooms, 120 offices for lecturers and auditoriums being constructed to increase accessibility and accommodate the exponential increase of students population has stalled.

Also, a hospital project under construction to serve the University community has similarly stalled.

“The effect of Covid has affected so many things. The government is not getting all the resources to finish these programs that we have embarked on and again the government is also doing several things in this country. For example, the free SHS that is capital intensive has also drained the government so these all have affected the inflow of money to support the projects that we are all doing. So now we want to appeal to other philanthropists, members of the community to also support the effort of the government to get most of these projects completed,” he stated

According to him, “Covid has affected every area to the extent that students cannot even pay their fees, and once you are building internally it means that we need to get school fees to be able to complete it.

“All the projects are hanging, when you go beyond this other side you will see the buildings sitting down where the Faculty of Engineering used to be. We also want the attention of the government to help us complete the FOE block, the FOE was in two, they completed half and that half has been used since President Kufour’s time till now. We began it but due to Covid, free SHS everything has affected us to the extent that we are not getting the inflows, they are all hanging there.”

He urged members of the Alumni Association serving in government to lobby the government to intervene in the completion of the projects, while the Association also considers building hostel facilities.

“So what we are saying is that those of you in government who have the power you can lobby for us so that we can get all these things completed to expand intake again to make sure that we all move forward. This is where the alumni can be of help, if the alumni can come and put up a hostel, you don’t need to do plenty, you can start maybe 50 or 100 rooms and you keep adding on. This will go a long way to support us”.

The Vice Chancellor further expressed worry over inadequate hostel facilities in the University.

According to the VC, many young girls encounter challenges in private hostels which is worrying to both the parents and the university.

“I am particular about the young ladies. These small girls come to school at a very tender age some 15 years, some 16 years and sometimes being the first time of leaving their homes and are under restrictions they come and there are a lot of problems. So if I have the opportunity of getting accommodation, I will house every young girl that comes to school so I am appealing to the alumni that if you know of any philanthropist you can bring them, or people who are interested in putting up hostels we have land so bring them to let them put up here so that we support our children.”

The President of the Alumini, Komla Agbodo Godsway speaking to the media on the sidelines of the conference acknowledged the challenges and the need for the alumni to contribute their quota to the development of the University.

The President of the Alumini, Komla Agbodo Godsway

“We will surely have to do something within our own small way by paying dues, by lobbying people we know can help, by raising funds among many others to embark on the many projects we want to do. This university has made us who we are now so wherever we find ourselves, let’s come together and support the cause of the university,” he appealed.

Source: Ghana News

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