International Tennis Federation President David Haggerty set to visit Ghana

The President of the International Tennis Federation (ITF), David Haggerty, is set to pay a visit to Ghana together with some Executive Members of the ITF.

As part of the visit, he is expected to be the special guest at the 2022 Confederation of African Tennis (CAT) Gala Dinner and Awards Night and Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The event is set to be held in Ghana with the country being chosen to host the 2022 Annual General Meeting on the 14th and 15th of October 2022, at the Accra City Hotel.

This is the first time Ghana will host delegates from all fifty-three (53) national associations of the Confederation of African Tennis.

“We are delighted to host this very important event on the international calendar. It is good for positioning Ghana tennis at the centre of policy making for the sport on the continent” Isaac Aboagye Duah, president of the Ghana Tennis Federation told Joy Sports.

“The participation of the ITF President also gives Africa a platform to make a case for bigger opportunities not only for players but competitive platforms and development programmes.”

Source: Ghana News

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