Joy Corporate Worship 2023 comes off April 28

Ghana’s superstation, Joy FM, has chosen to end the month of April in a grand style with the announcement of the ‘Joy Corporate Worship 2023’.

The Joy Corporate Worship is a mega gathering of corporate Ghana and all businesses during which praise, worship and supplications are made unto the Lord. Its 2023 edition is scheduled to take place on Friday, April 28, at the Royale House Chapel (Ahenfie), in Accra.

The event will assemble all staff of Joy FM, its clients and business partners, as well as corporate Ghana in offering spirit-filled worship and thanksgiving to God, while seeking his protection and sustenance for personal lives and businesses respectively.

The Apostle General of Royal House Chapel (Ahenfie), Rev. Sam Korankye Ankrah, has expressed his appreciation and readiness to host Joy FM and all businesses during the Joy Corporate Worship tomorrow.

“Anyone who walks through the gates of oil dome and comes into this place on the 28th [April 2023], let that person’s life never be the same again”, he prayed during a church service last week.

The Joy Corporate Worship will be led by award-winning Gospel Ministers Celestine Donkor and MOG, both of whom have confirmed their excitement at the opportunity to lead a congregation of grateful hearts in an unforgettable worship experience.

The event begins at 6pm at the Royal House Chapel (Ahenfie), in Accra, and attendance is free.

Source: Ghana News

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