Kenyans praise teacher sewing pupil’s torn dress

A teacher seen in a widely shared photo sewing a student’s torn dress at a school in Kenya has earned praise and admiration for her kind gesture.

Joyce Malit is seen in the picture sewing the dress as the eight-year-old pupil stands besides her, covered in a wrap cloth.

She told local media that the girl’s dress had been torn by a nail at her desk, exposing her undergarment.

A fellow teacher at the school in Narok county gave the girl a wrap cloth to cover herself as Ms Malit sewed the dress using a needle that she always carried.

She said the photo, which went viral on social media this week, had been taken on 7 March by a colleague.

She said she had received many calls from people praising her.

She told the Nation news website that she had developed a special bond with the girl, who comes from a humble background and lives with her grandparents.

“She is a bright girl. Since that day, she is my great friend. This morning she brought me a flower as a token of appreciation, she moved me to tears,” she said.

Source: Ghana News

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