Kumasi Habitat Fair: ‘Rent for a while but plan to own a house’ – Patrons advised

Patrons that attended the launch of the Kumasi edition of the Habitat Fair on Friday have been challenged to plan to acquire a home immediately after one starts renting.

The first day of the much-anticipated Luv FM/DBS Habitat Fair attracted hundreds of patrons from Kumasi and beyond.

The Kumasi City Mall will be the centre of attraction for three days for homeowners and prospective homeowners.

Products and services of real estate companies and consultancy services began today in earnest.

At the fair launch on Friday, the Head of the Centre for Settlement Studies, Professor Divine Ahadzie observes, the financial pressure in the country deters people from planning towards investing in homes.

“The housing issue in Ghana is not well regulated, especially getting information. It is a great idea for Multimedia Kumasi and DBS Industries to put this Habitat Fair together. Families and those beginning lives can have access to information in their housing career,” he said.

Manager at the Rent Control, Asare Pemsan, cautions the public on unfavourable situations of being tenants.

“I encourage everyone here to develop an interest in building instead of renting. You can never be a tenant and have freedom. You can never settle at one particular place,” he cautioned.

Different products and services of real estate companies and other industry players are on exhibition.

Source: Ghana News

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