Let’s keep our eyes on terrorists and criminal elements at land borders – GIS Comptroller General

The Comptroller-General of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), Kwame Asuah Takyi, has asked security officers to beef up their operations at the various land borders across the country.

Following the reopening of land and sea borders, he charged immigration officers and allied agencies to be on the lookout for activities of terrorists and ensure the safety of people living around such areas.

After a visit to the Aflao border on Tuesday, he added that other criminal activities like smuggling fuel and arms through the borders must be fiercely prevented.

“I want you all to open your eyes and look for the criminal elements, smuggling of fuel and arms and other criminal activities that may destroy the country’s peace,” he said.

Mr Takyi stressed that apart from some major things the border communities yearn for, all criminal elements must be checked.

Ghana Immigration Service officers interact after inspecting some major entry points at the Aflao border.

He called on the local leaders to liaise with security agencies to facilitate the effective delivery of security in such areas.

According to him, it appears some community authorities and residents do not understand the role of security in running the country.

He is, therefore, of the view that there should be proper engagements in the future to nip illegal activities in the bud.

“There is the need to have a good collaboration between the local communities and the securities to help us deal with security issues, especially criminal activities,” he added.

Source: Ghana News

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