Livestream: Newsfile discusses aftermath of #FixTheCountry protest, Covid-19 vaccine probe and UTAG strike action

On August 4, some Ghanaian youth hit the streets of Accra with the #FixTheCountry protest to vent their spleens over broken systems and unfulfilled promises by leaders of the country after months of contention with the police service.

Following this, President Akufo-Addo has given the assurance that his government has the required programmes and policies to fix the current challenges that the country is facing.

Today on Newsfile, host, Samson Lardy Anyenini together with his panellists will discuss the significance of the protest and how such an initiative will impact current governance.

On similar matters, groups such as the University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) and Senior Staff Association – Universities of Ghana (SSA-UoG) have embarked on strike action to register their displeasure against unconducive working environment and the 4 per cent and 7 per cent increment of salaries for public sector workers.

All interventions to convince the groups to resume their post have been unsuccessful. This has resulted in the rescheduling of examinations for students in the University of Ghana, Legon and Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

Meanwhile, the nine-member committee probing the Covid-19 vaccines procurement deal by the Ministry of Health is yet to present its report to the plenary for approval despite a seven-day delay.

According to the Chairman of the Committee, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, this is because the Minority MPs on the committee are making alterations to the report.

All these topical matters will also be discussed on the show.

Source: Ghana News

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