Luv FM Primary Schools Quiz: 9 head for the semi-final stage

Nine schools are locking horns to secure space in the finals of the 2022 edition of the Luv FM Primary School Quiz.

The contest has been exciting in the weeks leading up to the semi-final stage.

The semi-finalists have exhibited superior prowess in answering questions under Spelling Bee, General Knowledge, with True or False options, Riddles, Lucky letters and Syllabic words.

The schools competing in the semi-finals are; Living Foundation International School, Manna International School, Divine Mission Academy, Paradise Hope International School and Riverside Academy.

The rest are; The Ridge School, Martyrs of Uganda School, Holy Trinity Lutheran School and Hancygold Community School.

“The competition has been highly intense thus far, with certain schools already demonstrating their might,” said Quiz Master Erastus Asare Donkor.

With many schools almost scoring at par, “there is much competitiveness among them. I believe each one of them came prepared,” he added.

“The semi-final stage will be tough for any school that comes unprepared,” observed the Quiz Master.

The semi-final stage of the Luv FM Primary Schools Quiz promises to be full of excitement and brilliance as the battle gets keener.

Events Coordinator, Eric Nkoom, says “the programme is intended to add marginality to the call of the Ghana Education Service in the administration of education in the country, especially at the basic level.”

He also noted “the competition is staged to strengthen education, making it more fun and attractive for young ones in the country.”

The semi-finals of the Luv FM Primary Schools Quiz is telecast live on Joy Learning and Joy Prime.

It is also available on radio and on Facebook at Luv FM 99.5.

The contest will run till end April, 2022.

Source: Ghana News

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