Masterclass: Maintain credibility to attract investors – businesses advised

Business owners have been entreated to maintain credibility on a personal and professional level to expand their enterprises.

According to the Head of Financial Advisory at Deloitte Ghana, Yaw Lartey, this will attract more investments for businesses to thrive.

He maintained that building a credible brand image should be a primary goal as a reliable reputation provides significant value to the company.

Speaking on Joy Business show ‘Masterclass’ with host Yaw Anim Banafo, Mr. Lartey explained that, credibility helps to position businesses in a positive light in front of key internal and external stakeholders, including investors, analysts, and media.

“What is important for building your business plan is we are looking for credibility or what we call ‘bankability’. You need to tell the story as it is, I have seen a lot of businesses try to hide numbers and due to that a lot of investors are running away from such businesses“, he said.

Mr. Lartey furthered pointed out that successful executives of various businesses must be concerned with both character and their reputation to keep their businesses in shape.

“Your reputation is what people think of you. Your reputation is purely a function of perceptions”, he maintained.

“Credible individuals and business possess and nurture a specific set of qualities that earns them a reputation as someone you can trust. A credible organisation is the bedrock of an owner-employee and a company-client relationship where all parties are confident that promises will be fulfilled”, he concluded.

Source: Ghana News

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