Minority mounts pressure on Health Minister to answer for stalled €68m La General Hospital project

The Minority in Parliament is mounting pressure on the Health Minister, Kwaku Agyeman Manu, to answer for the lack of work at the site of the demolished La General Hospital.

The health facility was pulled down in March 2020, to pave way for the construction of what government said would be an upgrade.

Three years on, the site is still literally bear with no major works ongoing.

This redevelopment project was to be financed by a credit facility from Standard Chartered Bank of the United Kingdom, with an export credit guarantee from China’s Sinosure worth about €68 million with an insurance cover of €3.8 million.

After it was razed down, the people of La have blamed the absence of a proper health facility in the area for what they describe as needless deaths.

Ranking Member on the Health Committee, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh led journalists to the site.

Speaking on Wednesday, he accused the government of abandoning the project and lying to the residents in the hospital’s catchment area.

Upon completion, it will be transformed into a 160-bed facility and will be fitted with an outpatient department; inpatient wards; maternity and neonatal services; surgical unit with four theatres; accident and emergency department; public health department; pharmacy unit; laboratory; administration; imaging area, with CT Scan, X-ray room, ultrasound, fluoroscopy, mammography units; physiotherapy unit; and a mortuary.

Source: Ghana News

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