Minority’s allegations of tax exemption for NPP-linked businesses baseless – Dr Amin Adam

Minority's allegations of tax exemption for NPP-linked businesses baseless - Dr Amin Adam

The Minister of State at the Finance Ministry, Dr. Mohammed Amin Adam has taken on the Minority Leader, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson over claims that the government is giving out GH¢5.5bn worth of tax exemptions to 47 companies with ties to the governing New Patriotic Party.

Responding to the allegation on JoyNews’ The Probe on Sunday, November 19, Dr Amin Adam said the claims are baseless.

He noted that he cannot pinpoint where the Minority Leader is getting his figures from, adding that he would have to find out the number of applications.  

Read also: https://www.myjoyonline.com/minority-accuses-government-of-giving-gh5-5bn-cedis-worth-of-tax-exemption-to-47-companies/

“There are almost the same number of members on the majority and minority side and so if Parliament has decided that a certain exemption be granted, why would you say that it had been done on the basis of the colours of those companies?


“What is the basis for identifying those companies? I thought those companies were Ghanaian companies doing legitimate business. Unless he wants to say that during their time, they were granting exemptions to NDC-affiliated companies. I think that Ghanaians should dismiss this with the contempt it deserves,” he said.

His comments follow the Minority in Parliament’s accusations against the government of allegedly handing out an estimated GH¢5.5 billion worth of tax exemptions to NPP-affiliated companies under the One District One Factory initiative.

Minority Leader Dr Cassiel Ato Forson disclosed details of what he said was a government request before the Finance Committee to grant $449 million worth of tax exemptions to 47 companies.

The Ajumako Enyan Esiam MP has vowed to publish the names of the 47 companies currently before Parliament for tax exemptions.

But according to Dr Amin Adam, companies operating under the One District One Factory initiative have satisfied the requirements for waivers.

He added that there is no issue with granting exemptions to companies since the companies would help to grow the economy and create jobs in the country.

Source: Ghana News

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