‘Most Ghanaians feel they have been hoodwinked’ – Mahama

Former President Mahama has asserted that most Ghanaians feel deceived by the Akufo-Addo-led administration.

He said this is manifested in the personal livelihood and daily struggles of the average Ghanaian.

Mr. Mahama made this statement when he addressed the nation on Monday, May 2, in Accra.

Themed, “Ghana at a Crossroads” the address covered the state of the Ghanaian economy and what the National Democratic Congress (NDC), would do to remedy the situation if given the opportunity through the 2024 elections.

According to the 2020 flagbearer of the NDC, “an assessment of our current conditions shows that what is happening now bears very little or no resemblance to what was promised. There is sharp disparity between promise and practice. Most Ghanaians feel they have been hoodwinked”

His comments are in apparent reference to the general sentiments expressed by members of the public about what is deemed rising cost of living in the country.

Although President Akufo-Addo and some of his functionaries have explained that the prevailing situation is attributable to the effects of the COvid-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine war, Mr. Mahama disagrees.

“Long before Covid-19, it was evident that the economy was being mismanaged. I cautioned against the mismanagement. By 2019, our deficit and debt figures had already reached distress levels, this is a fact which was recently corroborated by the World Bank through its country representative in Ghana,” the former President stressed.

As part of measures to alleviate the hardship being experienced by Ghanaians, Mr. Mahama pledged among others that, “a new National Democratic Congress government, God willing and with the votes of sovereign people of Ghana, in 2025, will repeal the El-vey Act.”

In the interim, he urged Ghanaians to join hands to ensure that the country is restored to the path of prosperity.

“Sitting on the fence is not an option in national building. History will not remember us kindly if we accept the gradual degradation of our society and do not make an attempt to inspire ourselves to make a difference in our generation,” he noted.

Source: Ghana News

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