Muslims admonished to celebrate Eid with moderation

Some Muslims marked the feast of Eid-ul-Fitr on Monday, May 2, 2022.

Others will celebrate the day on Tuesday.

Eid-ul-Fitr is also known as the “feast of breaking the fast”.

The festival is held with great fanfare. Muslims honour the day with goodies and prayers.

Speaking to the media at the last fast-breaking meal to end this year’s Ramadan in Kumasi, an official at the Vice President’s Office, Alhaji Ali Suraj urged Muslims to celebrate this year’s Eid-ul-Fitr moderately, to portray the true meaning of Islam.

He advised that all activities must be related to the religion and done in peace.

Some youth of various zangos in Kumasi also assured that past mistakes would not be repeated.

Alhaji Ali Suraj said Muslims should be more respectable, humble and honest after the Ramadan.

He spoke to the media after the last fast-breaking meal organised to dine and discuss issues that bother Muslim communities.

According to him, the 30-day fast should not be pointless. Muslims need to demonstrate humility and honesty in their transactions.

Muslims are urged to celebrate in moderation in order to depict the true meaning of Islam.

This call is also being echoed by other Muslims like Musah Nuhu and Mohammed Nurudeen Abubakar Ali Acting Chairman, Zongo-Hausa Youth Association of Ghana (ZOHYAG).

They both said past experiences should not be repeated to tarnish the image of Zongo communities.

Mr. Ali said the Ashanti region Sarkin Zongo, Sultan Alhaji Umar Farouk Saeed has issued a stern warning to Muslims who plan to disturb the peaceful celebration of the Eid.

Political parties like the NDC and NPP say their efforts to encourage Muslims to make good use of their potential and avoid violence are in progress.

Member of the NDC at the Manhyia South Constituency, Musah Nuhu says education and sensitization programmes are yielding positive results.

The end of Ramadan is complemented by the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr.

And Eid-ul-Fitr means the end of the fast from dawn until sunset throughout Ramadan. This also includes the opening of the month of Shawwal.

Source: Ghana News

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