‘My car is fueled by petrol, not palm oil; therefore tithes must be paid’ – Prophet Kumchacha

An outspoken pastor, Prophet Kumchacha, says he strongly believes in paying tithe because men of God need money from the church to feed themselves and fund their day-to-day activities.

According to him, men of God devote their lives and time to spreading the word, and that appears to be the only occupation most pastors have.

In an interview on Hitz FM, he, however, indicated that the tithe does not only go into the pockets of the pastors but it is also spent on growing the church.

“We spend the tithe on paying utility bills,” said Prophet Kumchacha. “We even allocate some of the tithe and offertory to organizing crusades, paying church workers, radio programmes and building of new offices for our churches, then we spend the rest among ourselves,” he told Andy Dosty on Daybreak Hitz.

Speaking on spending the rest of the money on themselves, he cited an example of fueling his car with the required resource [money] to enable him to transport himself to church services, radio and TV interviews and other events.

“The car I brought here wasn’t fueled with ‘zomi’ (‘palm oil’ in Twi), not seawater. It was fueled with petrol —and petrol is bought with money,” the founder of Heaven’s Gate Ministries told the host.

To further buttress his point, he said that he does not have any other job aside from doing the Lord’s work, and thus, he, and other pastors like him depend on tithe and offertory given by the church to take care of themselves and their families.

Even though the concept of tithing and offertory encourages the “giving back to God” notion, the controversial pastor went contrary to the belief, saying that “any pastor who says tithes goes to God is a liar.”

Source: Ghana News

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