My ex faked his death to break up with me

Famous anthropologist, Ernest Becker once said, “The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else.”

But LouLou Gonzalez’s ex-boyfriend did not fear death when he wanted an excuse to call off the relationship.

Sharing her heartbreak story, the comedian said she met her ex in the early 2000s at boot camp when they were training to serve in the American military.

She says, she was so hopeful that the relationship will end up in marriage, but that was not what fate had planned for her.

Things went downhill after she received a call one dawn around 2 am. According to her, the person on the other side just said, “your ‘nigga’ is dead. I just shot him.”

Considering the time of the announcement, she was utterly confused, but due to how dangerous New York is, she just believed the story.

“There was no Instagram or social media for me to go and check his stories like that. All I got is your word. I tried calling back and I got nothing.”

“So I am going crazy. This is the middle of the night and because I woke up in the middle of my sleep I am disoriented. And when it dawned on I was in full tears,” she narrated.

When she was not getting any positive correspondence from her ex’s sister and relatives she “switched into military mode.”

“I am extra panicked. And since I am in the military I went into recon mode. I know his job, I know rank so somebody in his unit will definitely know about his death. When I called the barracks, nobody knew what I was talking about. To them, I am crazy.”

After calling numerous times, their colleagues at the barracks offered to put her ‘dead’ boyfriend on the phone unbeknownst to him.

After barraging him with many questions, her ex-boyfriend finally confessed that he wasn’t ready for a relationship.

As if that was not enough, the ex-boyfriend added that “you were not my real girlfriend.”

Years on, LouLou Gonzalez says she is completely over it and as a comedian, she has found a very artistic way to share a story that almost broke her to entertain her audience.

Source: Ghana News

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