My perspective in life changed after reading Carnegie’s ‘How to win friends and influence people’ – Israel Laryea
Award-winning journalist and news anchor at The Multimedia Group, Israel Laryea, says his perspective in life changed after reading “How to win friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.
“It was a real turning point in my life, and I saw things differently”, he recounted.
Isreal was sharing the story of his journey into media with Rev. Albert Ocran as part of the Engine Room series on Springboard, Your Virtual University on Joy FM.
“I thought I wasn’t so handsome, so it affected my self-esteem, but after reading Dale Carnegie’s book, I realised it was important to be confident because people will address you based on how you present yourself”, he revealed.
According to Mr Laryea, he learnt his unique way of presentation from observing news anchors on BBC and CNN, saying, “I learnt a lot from these people by just observing them, and that is how I got my unique way of broadcasting.”
The veteran broadcaster stated that “To last this long and still be relevant, it takes a lot of grace, sacrifice, hard work and practice.”
Below are Israel Laryea’s interview lessons with Rev. Albert Ocran, as captured by the Springboard team.
Be diligent in the way you conduct your work. Distinguish yourself in whatever you do
Set yourself apart from the rest. Determine to be different
Get your foot in the door, even if it means entering at a lower level. Then, once you get in, continue looking around for bigger opportunities.
Imitate experts. I watched BBC anchors and imitated the way they presented
Learn from others, but develop your own original and unique style
Spend time with your family. I make time to bond with my family, and it’s a major focus of my weekend routine.
Sacrifice for what you believe in. Slave for the reward that will come at the end. I had to work long hours and school alongside as I developed myself.
Make strategic choices. Every notable decision you make must get into the big picture.
Manage your finances well. If you earn a lot and overspend, you’re poorer than someone who earns less but manages money better.
Every award or success brings additional pressure to do even better.
Source: Ghana News