National cathedral not on top of my list of priorities – General Secretary, Christian Council

The General Secretary of the Christian Council of Ghana, Dr. Cyril Fayose, says the national cathedral project will not feature on the top of his list of priorities at this moment.

According to him, if he were the one in charge of government there might not be a national cathedral project at the moment.

However, he stated despite his opinion on the entire project, it’s not his place to say the government is wrong for prioritizing such a project amidst the many challenges the country is facing.

“If you ask me in the order of things what will be my priority at this material moment, the cathedral may not be at the top of the list. That is if you ask me a personal question or if I were to be the person in government or the person managing this economy. Maybe the cathedral will not be priority number one right now.

“But I’m not the one in government, I’m not the one managing the economy and they may have their priorities, and it will be difficult to say well they shouldn’t have those priorities or their priorities are wrong,” he said on JoyNews’ PM Express.

He added that if anything at all, it is the heads of denominations who sit on the board of trustees for the national cathedral project that can convince government to halt the project for the time being while issues surrounding the project are straightened out and restructured to address concerns.

“But there’s still that opportunity to have engagement with the government if we think maybe we’re prioritizing wrongly. Those same leaders should sit at the table and have that engagement with the government in power,” he said.

Agreeing with Dr. Fayose’s position, the Presiding Bishop of the Transformation Assembly Church, Fred Korankye-Mensah stated that the national cathedral should not be a priority.

He stressed that God is more interested in human beings rather than buildings, thus it would be much preferred if the government rather directed the funds into building the lives of the citizens rather than the cathedral.

He noted that though the gesture to build the cathedral is commendable, there are more pressing needs that need the attention of government.

“Every well-meaning Christian or clergy who reads the bible and understands the bible and applies the bible will tell you that God is concerned about people more than buildings. As I said from the beginning, now in this dispensation, human beings are the temple of God, so if we will want to build a temple for God, we should focus on people.

“What’s the point? People’s houses are flooding and I don’t even have the heart to receive this cathedral whilst I see people struggling, when it rains some people don’t sleep; they have to stand upright till the next morning to deal with the flood. These are things we should focus on; God is pleased with things like that.”

He further added that with or without the national cathedral “the church will still function and play its role in terms of national development so it’s not as if, if we don’t get it we can’t survive. It’s absolutely not a priority…”

Source: Ghana News

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