Nhyira FM treats widows, single mothers to a party on Mother’s Day

In celebration of this year’s Mothers’ Day, 200 widows and single mothers in the Ashanti Region were treated to a party at the forecourt of Nhyira 104.5 FM in Kumasi.

The fun-filled Obatanpa Mother’s Day event had the mothers enjoying good music as they consumed hot meals and drinks. 

Promasidor was at hand to serve the mothers with the latest addition to its brand, the Onga Soya Chunks, while Madam Catherine Clinic offered free health screening to the beneficiaries. 

All the mothers also received hampers to appreciation of their efforts.

Some widows expressed appreciation for the opportunity to join in the celebration.

“Thank you Nhyira FM, Mama Effe and the Sons of Peace for celebrating the day with us, and as we will ask for more of such events,” said a beneficiary.

The event was organized by Nhyira FM in collaboration with the Sons of Peace Foundation and Aiding Hands Foundation.

Project Coordinator at Sons of Peace Foundation, Godfred Nana Kofi Acheampong, said the programme forms part of the organization’s corporate social responsibility.

“We decided to give out to widows and single mothers this year, and we felt the Nhyira FM brand and the Effe Amanor brand as the best to associate ourselves with. We’re looking forward to more partnerships,” he stated.

Ahead of the event, listeners of Nhira FM had the opportunity to phone-in to the Obra Show to celebrate their mothers. Five callers were selected to join the Mother’s Day event to cook for their mothers.

Two of the callers recounted how their mothers did everything possible to help them regain their sight. Both have completed their education at the University of Education, Winneba, awaiting their postings.

Host of Nhyira FM’s Obra Show, Mama Effe, says giving back to society is an act she cherishes most.

“This is something I’ve always championed and I must say I’m happy this year’s event has been a success. I want to say a big thank you to Sons of Peace Foundation and Aiding Hands Foundation for coming on board to partner us for this year’s Obatanpa Mother’s Day Celebration and also to our sponsors I say ayekoo [Congratulations]. Be a responsible mother so that your children will be proud of you,” she advised.

Source: Ghana News

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