NPP Chairman hopeful downplays effect of IMF support programme on party fortunes ahead of election 2024

An NPP Chairman hopeful, Prof Christopher Ameyaw Akumfi, has downplayed the effect of the IMF support program on the fortunes of the party in the 2024 elections.

Describing their comments about the NDC’s application for bailout during the Mahama administration as politics, the former Minister and MP said he’s hopeful the government will turn the economy around before the elections.

In an exclusive interview with JoyNews, he noted that had it not been for the pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine war, Ghana would have recorded very positive indices.

“Talk about IMF, I know Mahama has been there, that’s no news. But what is news is that as at today over a hundred countries have run to the IMF. Not that IMF itself is going to give lots of money but they’ll agree on what is it that we’ll need to do to the economy. If I were the opposition I’ll gladly accept that loan looking at the nation as a whole.

“We all will have to come to face the reality. Had it not been for Covid and the war and so on, Ghana was moving smoothly towards a level where a number of these indices would be very very positive. They can argue that in a period of two years you can succeed in getting out.

“It depends on a number of factors but we are hoping that we may be able to achieve something reasonable within two years but for the party itself two years may be long enough for us to look inside the party to see what it is we can improve upon,” he said.

Prof Akumfi comes up against seven other candidates in the chairmanship race of the NPP.

According to him, unity is more crucial for breaking the 8, making him the best man for the job.

“This is a special appeal to them for party unity that we need to stay together after the competitions, after the flagbearership race, noting that our enemy is the major opposition party, the NDC. And we can trace the lack of unity all the way even to the polling station level, and clearly at the constituency level so that has been my main [agenda],” he said.

He also expressed worry that factionalism within the party may further widen the gap and cause the party to fall apart.

“Well, from the signs that we’re picking up especially with this factionalism, one shouldn’t be surprised if we get to a level where disunity becomes very clear and this is what I’m preempting. A party that is not united and disciplined cannot win wars,” he said.

Source: Ghana News

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