NPP constituency elections: I wish all aspirants the very best of luck – Stephen Ntim

Aspiring National Chair of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Stephen Ntim has wished all aspirants of the party’s constituency elections the best of luck in their quest to lead party members in the various constituencies.

Stephen Ntim in a short goodwill message to all aspirants prayed for the elections to be devoid of any confusion and anger.

“It is my prayer that these exercises are held without rancour and uproar across the constituencies.

As we did it in the Polling Station Executive and Electoral Area Coordinators’ Elections, it is my fervent hope that the Constituency Executives’ Elections would not depart from this established norm,” he stated.

He also expressed optimism of winning the national chairmanship position in the upcoming National Executives election.

“I wish all aspirants the very best of luck as the elections approach. I entreat all of you to remember that I have your interest at heart and look forward to working with you as your National Chairman since you will vote for me when the National Executives’ Elections are held in a few months’ time,” he said.

The party is set to hold its constituency elections on Thursday in all 16 regions in the country.

However, two constituencies, Krowor and Ningo-Prampram have been ruled out of the elections.

The party explained that there were unresolved issues in these constituencies during the polling station elections and would want to settle all matters before the constituency elections are held.

General Secretary of the party, John Boadu is also confident elections across the country will be smooth, indicating that a committee has been put in place to resolve the grievances of candidates.

“There are a few of them that we have even placed an injunction on them. It is for that reason that we put together what we call the alternative dispute resolution for these people and the complaints and the challenges. They’ve brought their recommendations that we are going to put in place,” he told Evans Mensah on PM Express on Wednesday.

Source: Ghana News

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